Freddie is one of the amazing children we support. A funny, creative, curious bundle of joy and energy, Freddie comes to ARCOS for speech and language therapy and stimulation.
Charlie, Freddie’s mum, tells the story of her incredible little boy, the challenges he and the whole family face, and how ARCOS is making a difference.
When Emma suffered a stroke shortly after giving birth to her son, she needed long-term therapy and support.
Here, she tells us about her journey and how the support from ARCOS has helped her to achieve some important functional goals and enabled her to build her independence as a mum.
Mike was a police officer of 17 years when, at the age of 32, a brain tumour was discovered and after cancer treatment and an epilepsy diagnosis he was medically discharged in 2003.
In May 2020 after fighting Sepsis and after a huge stroke as a complication of Covid he was left paralysed down one side, unable to communicate either verbally or by written means.
Mike’s sister, Mandy, tells us about his journey from here and how working with ARCOS had given him back some control of his life.